So Basically:

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Im a mild-mannered, slightly-silly people person who doesn't understand what a people person is.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Role reversal

Had myself a funny ol' experience this evening. I was indulging in my favorite activities of being a hermit, wondering how i could be somewhat creative tonight. Life struck me in the ears as i was told to pick my mother up and take her to hospital.

When you're told "Daf? you need to pick your mother up, she's had a fall and it's nasty apparently." you instantly know what your name is. Also your mind wanders. I've seen people with gashes and i've seen myself with gashes. I've seen my mother with a bit of a shiner from when she fell over some time ago. But when it was up to me to conjure up an image of what it would look like, It either looked really nasty or really stupid.

I rushed to pick her up and after parking awfully I got into the house and had a look to asses the situation.

"What do you reckon? Do i really need to go? Your father is a little all over the place."

"Yes im taking you to hospital." The words were calmly spoken before i even thought about how it looked. It looked real. And nasty. My mam with a nice chunk of skin hanging off her face. There was blood on the floor, leaving a trail to the washing machine so she could wash her new jumper so she could wear it tomorrow. Bonkers.

The conversation in the car was spoken with a general tone, even making jokes hear and there. "Fair play, you're the only one who doesn't panic" she said in the most matter of fact voice she has. She was comparing me to my brother and sister, who are both very good, although i remember when i badly injured my leg my sister drove me to hospital and nearly crashed the car. I told her about that to make her laugh, and she did. I must follow her in reaction to emergencies because she was as composed as a symphony.

When i think about it, the situation has been reversed many times over as I have always been silly/clumsy/daft/brave. And if i remember rightly she was always calm and making me laugh while i was happy and interested in the journey to the hospital. I've always tried to have a good look at the thing i've done to myself.

It's a really weird process; looking after your Mam. Even for something as small as a gash on the face.

She had to go to a different hospital for a specialist procedure or something which meant i had to go home and tell my dad the whole story, then buy him supper to make sure he has a full belly.
She's home now with a bunch of stitches near her eye. The doctors have done a great job i must say. She looks really cool! (She's requested that i don't post pictures and i don't blame her.)

Tonight's been a weird night.

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