So Basically:

My photo
Im a mild-mannered, slightly-silly people person who doesn't understand what a people person is.

Friday 22 July 2011

A new instrument for me to play.

Thanks to one of my best friends Mam, i’ve started playing the harmonica. 

I’ve always had a harmonica. It sat on my musical shelf along with two small bongo’s, an egg shaped maraca, a tin whistle, a swanee whistle, a ukulele and other smaller novelty instruments that i’ve collected and used here and there in recordings of my silly songs. 
I never put much thought to them, really. Mainly because they live in my mams house and i don’t. 
My one instrumental love is my guitar and I try to take it everywhere with me. Every weekend i took it to my friends house so i could practice and offer a backing track to our conversations. It was always a backing track for his phone conversations with his mam, too which she seemed to quickly get used to. Maybe even enjoy.
Two weekends in a row I chose not to take my guitar and she asked to speak to me on the phone and proceeded to tell me off. I explained that it was cumbersome and annoying to walk roughly a mile with before playing so i decided against it. I joked that I should bring a harmonica instead and she was happy with me again. Until next weekend. I hadn’t brought it with me so she didn’t have her weekend-harmonica-backing-tracked phone call. I had another telling off :(
Last weekend i went to my Mams for a family chat and whatnot. I was about to leave before remembering my opportunity to pick my C-harp.
Since having it on hand i’ve been playing it every now and again and i dare say im getting better. It cant hurt to have another musical instrument to play. And it’s easy to take with me. Also, if you talk through it you sound like an alien. 
So thank you Eirian (i hope i’ve spelt it right) for encouraging me to pick up another instrument to practice. 

Monday 18 July 2011

The importance of Physical Acting in entertainment.

Physical Acting has been an important tool in all forms of entertainment. In this essay i shall draw mostly from my feelings and experience but from a little history that i found on wikipedia (referencing here instead of at the end) about Charlie Chaplin. I believe that Physical Acting is a very important tool in entertainment and i hope to convince you to jump on my band wagon. Physical Acting made its mark in entertainment when motion picture was invented. it made it's break in the late 1890's with the birth of the silent movie.

The silent movie is a motion picture thats accompanied by the plink and plonk of a piano based soundtrack. It  was a major breakthrough in entertainment as it told a full story, complete with moving characters without the use of a dialogue. It was particularly popular because you had to read less and people people who are rich enough to be lazy usually are. As the primitive technology was deaf until the late 1920's, the responsibility was given to the actor to exaggerate heavily with his body to put across their characters feelings, or simply amplify the severity of the situation.

Physical Acting was particularly popular when utilized by the likes of Charlie Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin was the master of the two main components of physical acting; mime and slapstick. Charlie Chaplin was the talk of World War 1 because of his zealous physical acting (not read on wikipedia). 

In the late 1920s when technology developed its hearing, Physical Acting was less used as the camera often went into the faces of classically good looking people while they talked. For a short while Physical Acting was frowned upon by pompous artists who thought it was "primitive", "simple" or "too easy".

While it may seem like an easy way to get a laugh in a scene of a film, play or book, Physical Acting will never be "too easy". It takes a hefty amount of practice to become just a decent Physical Actor. There are many things to consider such as "How can i make this seem more exaggerated?" or  "is it necessary?". To become the best physical actor you must challenge yourself every day. Think of how to do a unique walk, the faces you make brushing your teeth, the movements your eyebrows make when your exasperated. It helps to have a friend who challenges you by spontaneously improvising scenes for you to act physically right there, right then.You know you have the makings of a Physical Actor when you can convincingly do something accidentally on purpose. 

In the faces of these pompous artists who died, physical acting lived on in all sorts of forms of entertainment. It excels in the theatre in the form of pantomime. It excels on the big screen making fill your lungs as you cringe during the most gruesome horror scene, or make you empty your lungs as you laugh at the most comic kick in the testicles. When someone actually has been kicked in the testicles, we call it Physical Method Acting. 

In conclusion, Physical Acting is a very important and useful tool in all terms of entertainment from a practical joke to blogging *waving my arms to exaggerate. My eyes are wide open and looking right into yours and im naked.*. It can bring people extreme happiness or at the very least flip your inner switch of empathy, making you feel like you are right here naked with me. Physical Acting is not something to be under-estimated or frowned upon. It's something to be frown-upside-down upon and frolicked in.

Thank you.

Friday 15 July 2011

Poems (The best of)

During my time and Mind Optimising Ointment I often ended a blog with a cheeky poem. Here are some of my best ones:

Staff party

In the pub. Pissed!
Girls, tits out! 
Not my tits. 

Them! Tits out! 
Strip pontoon! 


They are lovely
Oh how lovely them flowers are
Complementing day light
Sugar coating nature's might
Oh them lovely flowers
They smile and smile for hours
But don't eat them
thats Gross

Coffee cup

Coffee table Coffee
No Coaster, No ring
The coffee table coffee cup is empty
A rather redundant thing
Chuck it in the sink, the coffee table cup
Scrub, scrub, scrub it up
The sink coffee cup 
Wipe it down and put it in the cupboard
The cupboard coffee cup
Until you want a drink - of coffee
The cycle is endless
Until the cup is smashed
A coffee cup in pieces


Titles are labels
For patterns and form
This is a poem 
That has both for no reason
All of my poems 
Follow patterns and form
But never a reason
Thats where ill reform

Dynamic Baseline

Your dynamic Baseline
Your epic melody
you really hook me into this linear gameplay
Yes the gameplay will improve
It'll even bust to a new groove
But ill never forget you
Yes you
Chemical plant zone

From Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Chicken delight

There's nothing you cant do
When your cooked just right
You really are the chicken
Hangover, mended
Thanks to your taste
So splendid 
Your dance, being funky
make all men look hunky
Your unfertilized eggs
Are the bomb too
So thank you chicken.
You are a Delight

Pain Heels

As i settle
In comfort's feel
Pain develops
In my heel
What to do?
I need to know
Just Change my foot
Im good to go

It was worth it though.

I looked like an idiot
when i fell on purpose in public
It was worth it though

I scared you to death
When i pretended to get lost
It was worth it though

I nearly died 
when i swam through a rip tide
it was worth it though

I felt lower than low
when i lied to your face
that was definitely worth it

I hurt my side
when i fell two foot
it was worth it though

I was vastly disheartened 
when i gave you my cookies
now that, wasn't worth it
oh, go on, yes it was


A guitar that twangs
A drum that bangs
A bell that dings 
A voice that sings
A horn that honks
A keyboard plonks
A bass that slaps
With many hand claps

All these lovely things and more
Can draw a crowd to scream and roar
Or even weep until there's tears
Ensembles power through your ears

Coordination's important though
Don't unleash these noises raw
Do not forget these concepts, three
Befitting rhythm and melody.

Reason for the new blogger

So this is my new blog. It shouldn't be necessary but google accounts have been right annoying for me today.

What's the story?

Well, it all started when i was 15 i think. I had the privilege of creating an email address. What would a 15 year old who's cool and hip name this?

Cool incarnate i know. I just wanted to make people laugh. It still does from time to time. Well now im all grown up i wanted to get rid of it and get me some wicked pants grown up email address. The other reason for the deletion was that the homepage of the email was just plain frustrating to look at.

So i have.

Not before going through a right hella-palaver.
The thing is, I set boydump up as a google account in order to have my original blogger. Mind optimising ointment i believe it was called. The thing is, even though i have a new gmail account, AND blogger is built on google accounts, i wasn't able to simply switch the main email account from one to the other. If i want to get rid of boydump i have to get rid of the blog. Entirely.

Well it's a shame to delete the 69 (har) blogs i wrote so i put myself through the major slog of copying and saving them all into separate word files. Did that and then deleted the blog.

Just before i was about to delete the address i realised that it was tied to many things i use. Facebook, twitter, tumblr, amazon, play....The list goes ever onwards. Then i had to swap all of these from boydump to dafyddemail. Did that and then deleted boydump.

I know i've forgotten something too. Just don't know what. As is usually the case.