So Basically:

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Im a mild-mannered, slightly-silly people person who doesn't understand what a people person is.

Tuesday 24 January 2012


Some/most of the time i don’t feel like that my thoughts are worth writing down. They’re not inspired/intelligent/poignant enough to be worthy of documenting. It’s strange because my doodles are far from artistic but i can fill a sheet of A4 paper with my rubbish drawings.
When i think i often attempt to work things out to a solid conclusion. When i’ve reached one of them i’ll write something. However, i seldom reach conclusions now-days. The worlds too big. There’s too many things inside it.
I don’t know who im trying to impress with my “conclusions”, though. I think it’s mainly just to pass the time but it’s got to be worth something, hasn’t it?
I can spend a universe of time (exaggerating harhar) thinking about complex issues or even simple sums but reaching a conclusion wont change my life. It only gives me something to passionately boast about when i’m drunk, which i often do.
The thoughts that HAVE changed my the way i live or think i.e. change my life, are the ones that happen in a whip-cracks worth of time. A sudden jolt of realisation and my whole worlds been altered. 
I don’t know what im going to do with this minuted train of thought. It will be some sort of paradox unless i get drunk and passionately boast about it.
Here is one conclusion i’ve reached tonight: Drawing a doodle is easier than drawing a conclusion.

Sunday 22 January 2012


Tonight i was minding my own business, playing my guitar in my room when my niece walked in for a chat and a sing. She does that every so often. It’s brilliant. 
This week she’s had a wobbly tooth and she was eager to show it off, even though i’ve seen it. She told me she was a little worried about getting it out and asked me to tell her stories of when i had mine out.
I was a clinical kid when it came to my body. I had a high pain thresh hold and i wasn’t afraid to hurt myself, really. So stories of my teeth coming out were boring. “I just pulled them out when they got loose”. This did baffle her but she wasn’t interested.
“Have you got any other stories? About teeth, now.” Asked she.
Well, I know a boy that lost two teeth to a wham bar at a school disco. I also know a girl lost one to an apple. I know one boy who tied cord around his tooth and attached it to the door. When he slammed the door he lunged forward. It didn’t work, although when he ran away in disappointment, his aunty tugged the string and off came the tooth. I also know a boy who wouldn’t stop wiggling his loose tooth. His friends goaded him into letting us pull it out but he wouldn’t let us. He was so afraid of letting us have a go, upon leaving the room he opened the door into his face, which knocked out his tooth.
The less brief version of all these stories entertained my niece for twenty minutes. 
“I don’t like my tooth now because I haven’t eaten an apple for a week” She said.
When i was in primary school, four different boys, at different occasions asked me to pull out their teeth, and i did.
Can you pull mine out? Will it hurt?
Why, i thought you’d never ask! It’s been a while since i pulled out a pearl. I explained that it’d hurt a little but it will feel better when it was out.
Bless her, she trusted me. But not for long. It was itching to come out and i managed to loosen it by half it’s hinge. Then she got scared at the taste of blood.
She then sat between her parents who were very excited but anxious at the thought of the loss of their daughters first tooth. They also didn’t appreciate me brandishing a cork-screw and growling, like a pirate “Let’s get us a tooth!”. 
The trio of chickens sat there on the couch for an hour before deciding to go to bed. I cooked and eat my supper of steak (rare) and chips. They constantly ignored my request to finish the job. So i sent the family to bed and started to watch True Grit.
Within five minutes of leaving my niece stew, too scared to pull her tooth out, she called her mother who said. “Leave it alone or I cant believe im saying this let uncle Daf Pull it out. He won’t hurt you.” 
She came down stairs. I was excited. I washed my hands and contemplated grabbing the cork-screw for a final jape. I thought better of it and got straight to the job. Within four seconds her tooth was out. Courtesy of her top uncle. Me.
She’s looking forward to having her tooth fairy money, now. “I’ll pull my own out next time. It wasn’t really that bad!” She said in excitement. Im very proud. And relieved. The whole house is.
And that was my sunday night. :)

Hello and happy late January.

It is sunday the twenty first of january and all is well!

I haven't written here in a while it seems. I left it at "Im about to do a gig...Bumph". The gig went well and i was very pleased with myself. My only irk was that i feel that i didn't have enough material. I dropped two bits. One out of uncertainty of funniness and the other out of negligence. I forgot it. However, the bits that i performed seamed well rounded. I came across as playful which i am. So that's good, isn't it?

It's the new year and i haven't even tried to do another gig. My focus has been a little all over the place and i don't know where to start. Im still writing material but im not arranging or practicing it. I've written some songs that im very pleased with and want to give them a go, so my excuse is "I want to do music first" so im going to do that. However a month has passed and i've not tried to get a gig. Silly me.

All that's going to change. Well, not all of it. I'll still write stuff. I'll still do what i usually do, which is labelled under the file "Stuff Dafydd Evans does, mostly". What im saying behind the two paragraphs of pedantry is that im going to get myself on a small stage to perform some original Dafydd Evans Art at the bother of willing audience members. But before that Im going to do some washing.

This month I've had some more work than usual. I've been invigilating. The most boring thing you can do in a school apart from pulling staples out of a wall. I've taken my time to slightly bend the strict examination rules/conditions and write more ideas. This month has been rewarding as i've written five-ish sketches whilst invigilating. Naughty, productive me.

I enjoy writing things. It's a wonder why i don't do these diary-style updates more often because i always feel good after writing one. I suppose im just making sure that it doesn't ever feel boring, which is silly.

Ok, i've just thought of a new-late-january-onwards-resolution. Let me explain. This month there's been a few moments where interesting/funny things have happened to me. I've told my family/friends about them and we've all had a nice chuckle about them. But have you heard anything about them, dear internet? No. so my new-late-january-onwards-resolution is to write about the silly things that happen to me.

At this point in my life, for some reason, it feels important to not "do nothing". The idea seems naughty to me. I just want to try and do something at every opportunity.

Basically, I want to try or create new things in my spare time. As much as possible.

I've written id down now so it means something, doesn't it? We'll see.