So Basically:

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Im a mild-mannered, slightly-silly people person who doesn't understand what a people person is.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

From enemy to friend in two laps.

I've had a two day binge of old xbox games which has just come to an end. Im mighty glad i must say. 
Before i started I tidied my room all spick and span as to mildly justify the act of sloth that i was about to perform. (though there was no performance, except for on my TV screen) I will say, the room is still as spick and span. which is a good thing. My boundless inactivity has preserved the integrity of my room.
That one thing and the fact that I was gaming are the only pro’s of the last two days. Oh, and podcasts. Lots of podcasts.
The cons include a throbbing headache on the left side of my head, a sore neck as the Tv’s high in the corner of my room, and a numb mind.
Was it worth it? YES!
All i did in my spare time was look up in the corner of my room and playing a game, whilst laughing at podcasts every now and again. I told myself that not getting up was the “point” and i was sticking to my guns.
There was one time last night where I wanted to get up, though.
While I was cleaning my room I had made an enemy of a previously hidden tenant of my room. A 6-7cm spider (back toe to front toe) who’d set up shop in the corner behind the television. There were too many obstacles between us for me to grab it and maroon it in the unknown beyond my window. Lucky spider.
At about ten-o-clock every night it pops out of it’s little web-hut and creeps around the the room by the roof. It slowly does a lap around the room between 10pm and 2am. I was always completely aware of where this octo-legged monster was at all times when it crept about. However it never veered away from the corner where the wall hits the celling.
Until last night.
Wrex, which is what i decided to name it, did it’s usual lap in it’s anti-clockwise fashion around the room until it hit the curtain. I was always a little more tense when it was above my head as i had to move my neck to look at it when my game took a boring turn. Moving my neck defeated the purpose of my lazy two nights but i was constantly fascinated and an incy-wincy bit nervous.
So it reached the curtain and actually mounted the curtain pole, which wasn’t protocol. By the celling ALWAYS BY THE CELLING! It wasn't listening to my thoughts. No. It was creeping it’s way down the curtain until about half way, when it started getting closer to me. It had previously spun a web connecting the curtain to my guitar case, which it sat on for a while, watching me.
Wrex had broken the rules. It had entered my territory which is anything except the high parts of the walls and of course, the celling. This was my chance. I could maroon Wrex, finally.
But it just sat there. Casually watching and scratching it’s nose occasionally. Or at least something that looks like that. Scratching his legs with his fangs or something similar to what a tame animal would do in it’s corner. I couldn’t throw this sweet thing out into the cold unknown. It trusted me!
*Plus, I can’t be bothered to get up during my quickly diminishing hours of gaming. And i’ve got a headache.*
After my contemplation filled stare off with Wrex i decided to leave it be. It soon climbed back up the curtain and back to it’s silk bungalow. 
So now i have a room mate. Wrex the spider. My creepy crawly companion. Someone/something that keeps me company for 4 hours in the night. 

Saturday 10 September 2011

Only be a good thing!

Went out last night. Check me all socializing and stuff. 
It was a welsh music night. There were three bands on, all of which i enjoyed.
I think that if i attended this, say, five or six years ago i wouldn’t have said the same thing. I would’ve enjoyed the night because i am a super, mega, awesome party animal. Obviously. 
When i was younger, all the welsh language music sounded forced or show-ee off-ee. It sounded as if welsh was their second language but they sung in it anyway just to seem clever. It never sounded natural to me. I will say that i had never listened to the super furry animals at that time, or Cerys Matthews, Both of which would’ve opened my eyes a little.
Since listening to the band and artist in the paragraph above, along with my friends japanese language tunage, (also, Jackie Chan’s version of “Ill make a man out of you” from Mulan) i have become far more open minded to stuff like that. Im even enjoying Rammstein now!
My complex’s aside, the three bands i saw last night (rather; two bands and an artist) sounded completely natural singing in welsh language. Their attitude seems less: “look at me im singing in welsh isnt that the tits?” but more: “yeah, im singing in welsh. I enjoy this. Deal with it.“ 
I speak welsh and i’m mega proud of it. I bust into it every so often. My friends and i converse quietly in welsh when we want to say something that might upset someone nearby. (reading that back it equates to; My friends and i bitch through the welsh language. Bitching isn’t nice in any language, but it is more fun in a different one.) We also speak welsh to have fun and make each other laugh. Last night it was more difficult because everyone in the room spoke the same language. It was actually quite refreshing. 
I don’t judge welsh people who don’t speak welsh, but i do judge people who don’t see the point of it. To those people i say this: Having the ability to speak an extra language can ONLY BE A GOOD THING!
Iechyd Da, joiwch a diolch!

Sunday 4 September 2011

And the heavens opened.

Since the first time i heard that saying as a little tyke it always confused me. 
It’s a saying to explain that it’s raining heavily. The heavens opened and lashed the earth with water. 
Have you ever looked up when it’s raining? And opened your eyes? If you did, all you’d see is clouds. That’s what confused me. It made more sense to think that the heavens were closed when it was raining, barricaded by clouds. Whatever. Im a grown up now and i get that it means that it’s raining because some wordsmith made it up before me. 
I couldn’t resist going out for a walk tonight. The rain was happily splashing against my window, whooshing past at a 45 degree angle. “Can Dafydd come out for a walk?” It beckoned. 
I love walking in the rain. Cleansing is the best word to describe it, i suppose. I like the little things it makes me do. Things like; looking up to catch it in my mouth, shaking off the goose-pimples on my back, squeezing out the water in my hair and eyebrows and making a tune in my head to the beat of my squishing trainers. (Reading back that list makes me feel like im a weirdo :)
I did all them things.
And then the heavens opened. In my childish, sensible sense of the phrase, that is. It had stopped raining for about ten minutes. My legs had worked up a nice rhythm so i didn’t stop walking. I did, however, look up with my eyes wide open.
There was one spot where the clouds opened up to show me a window to space. The only speck of space that i could see on the whole sky’s horizon. It was like a deep and wonderful lake with glistening stars on the surface, surrounded by a beach of clouds. The stars looked so much brighter than usual. I was hypnotised. I couldn’t avert my eyes from my sky-lake.
I just walked while my sense of sight, touch, respiration and hearing were deeply stimulated.
A beautiful view accompanied by the sound of a distant running river and the luxury of completely fresh air. Goose-pimples.
And then i stood in dog shit.