So Basically:

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Im a mild-mannered, slightly-silly people person who doesn't understand what a people person is.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Only be a good thing!

Went out last night. Check me all socializing and stuff. 
It was a welsh music night. There were three bands on, all of which i enjoyed.
I think that if i attended this, say, five or six years ago i wouldn’t have said the same thing. I would’ve enjoyed the night because i am a super, mega, awesome party animal. Obviously. 
When i was younger, all the welsh language music sounded forced or show-ee off-ee. It sounded as if welsh was their second language but they sung in it anyway just to seem clever. It never sounded natural to me. I will say that i had never listened to the super furry animals at that time, or Cerys Matthews, Both of which would’ve opened my eyes a little.
Since listening to the band and artist in the paragraph above, along with my friends japanese language tunage, (also, Jackie Chan’s version of “Ill make a man out of you” from Mulan) i have become far more open minded to stuff like that. Im even enjoying Rammstein now!
My complex’s aside, the three bands i saw last night (rather; two bands and an artist) sounded completely natural singing in welsh language. Their attitude seems less: “look at me im singing in welsh isnt that the tits?” but more: “yeah, im singing in welsh. I enjoy this. Deal with it.“ 
I speak welsh and i’m mega proud of it. I bust into it every so often. My friends and i converse quietly in welsh when we want to say something that might upset someone nearby. (reading that back it equates to; My friends and i bitch through the welsh language. Bitching isn’t nice in any language, but it is more fun in a different one.) We also speak welsh to have fun and make each other laugh. Last night it was more difficult because everyone in the room spoke the same language. It was actually quite refreshing. 
I don’t judge welsh people who don’t speak welsh, but i do judge people who don’t see the point of it. To those people i say this: Having the ability to speak an extra language can ONLY BE A GOOD THING!
Iechyd Da, joiwch a diolch!

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