So Basically:

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Im a mild-mannered, slightly-silly people person who doesn't understand what a people person is.

Friday 10 May 2013

A bugs life

Happily existing like an over looked grub
Hiding in a hedgehog that has died beneath a shrub
The birdy's had a whiff but couldn't reach beyond the scrub
And im happily existing like and over looked grub.

Carefree earnest living like the lovely lady bird
Decorating everything i land on quite unstirred 
You'll know how long i've lived but you'll not have overheard 
That's carefree earnest living like the lovely lady bird

Plodding on through anything just like the granny grey
Hard shell on my back to keep as much danger at bay
Curious of everything but i don't much like ballet
Plodding on through anything just like the granny grey

Frolicking and dancing like a wayward butterfly
Flapping through the wind and catching every watchful eye
I was a caterpillar eating leaves just to get by,
But now im Frolicking and dancing like a wayward butterfly