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Im a mild-mannered, slightly-silly people person who doesn't understand what a people person is.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

I found a note i wrote on facebook

A friend asked a bunch of her facebook people to write about a time where they smoked. This is the story i sent. 


Im not a smoker but you said "be creative" and gosh darn it, that is what im going to do!
Or am i just going to tell you about a time when i did smoke.
It's the latter.

I've smoked marijuana, which was ok. I dont know if this is what you had in mind but it was in the form of a stick filled with leaves that was blazing on one side while suction was applied to the other in order get the THC into my brain and give me a high. I don't really know why i did it. I've been in group situations while the drug was affecting others and only affecting me passively, which in my opinion at the time, was good enough.

The first time i got stuck I was slightly stressed with third year uni deadlines and heavily stressed in the relationship i was in. These are not excuses, it's just a bit of back story. I went to catch up with a few old friends at one of their homes and decided to get high.

The first smoke, as you well know went down like water. My lungs were trying to push the hot smoke back up. Did you know that coughing makes you higher? I just think it gives you a sore throat. 
I persevered and continued to smoke a drag or two before passing the dutchie on the left hand side.
As soon as the Stick left my hands, that feeling landed on me like a light, warm bed sheet. My eyes were wide open and my mouth locked wide open with a hint of a side smile. That seemed to amuse everyone present.

For the first half hour i was quiet because i was trying to suss out whether or not everyone in the room could hear my heart beating as loudly as i could. No sooner was i distracted by a high pitched noise that came from the mouth of my friend who was offering a spliff while doing a Bruce Lee impression. I couldn't smoke it because i keeled over gripping my stomach. I was supposed to be laughing but i didn't give off that impression. I was keeled over, banana shaped, gripping my stomach silently with my mouth and eyes wide open. My stomach was in dreadful pain. The agony of hilarity. After 20 minutes of laughing i carried on smoking.

I then "greened out" and stopped to play the guitar badly.

I then eat some chocolate and i was all better.

The end. (Based on a true story by Dafydd Evans)

(I wanted to end the story like a child because I am one, I think.)

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